Fear the birds. The Everett Police Department’s north precinct parking lot may possibly be the least safe place in Everett, Wash.
Crows have created a danger zone as cops walk between their cruisers and the office, dive-bombing officers. Everett police Lt. Bob Johns told the Everett Herald the crows act like “velociraptors,” swooping and “zinging” the officers.
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And retaliation with the crows isn’t taken well. One officer used his siren in an effort to scare the crows. The result? Crows littered his cruiser with droppings. Swell.
Ruth Milner, a biologist with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, tells the Everett newspaper the birds’ aggressive behavior aims only to protect their young offspring, some of which have already gotten the boot from their nearby nests. Plus, crows can recognize people’s individual features and hold grudges against perceived threats. And since everyone wears the same uniform, everyone may get the same treatment.
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The police force and neighboring city employees have decided to give way to the angry birds and let this season pass. After all, you can’t do much other than fear the birds.
(PHOTOS: Thousands of Birds Die on Louisiana’s Raccoon Island)