Oddly enough, the baby’s parents seem completely comfortable with it.
One-year-old Trent was visiting the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colo., with his parents when he caught the attention of a very curious — and hungry – lioness named Angie. The resulting video, which you can enjoy above, has gone viral, with almost 1 million views on YouTube.
(MORE: Man Plans to Battle Lion in an Effort to Boost Egypt’s Tourist Industry)
Cute little Trent, with his sweet hooded sweater, was simply gleeful over the lioness’s failed attempts at an attack. The 400-pound feline jumps at the baby as it sits and claps its tiny hands in happiness. At one point, the lioness opens up her ginormous mouth, exposing those deadly chompers, and you can’t help but be thankful for the thick glass — Trent’s head could literally fit in Angie’s mouth.
Apparently, this isn’t the first time that a big cat has tried to strike at a child from within a zoo enclosure. Other videos (such as the ones below) remind us that even though these felines are behind glass, they still have the same killer instincts as they do in the wild. Only the “targets” in these videos aren’t always as cool and collected as our boy Trent.
(LIST: 12 Bizarre Animal Friendships)