All of NewsFeed’s childhood dreams are about to come true.
Well, except for the pony. So yeah, maybe we’ve always had a secret desire to join a flash mob, but could it get any more kookier or mind-blowingly fantastic with a Reading Rainbow theme?
LeVar Burton, the former host of Reading Rainbow, is doing just that and rounding up some fans who undoubtedly remember their PBS-filled childhoods. He tweeted yesterday, “Having amazing conversations with some powerful partners who want to join us in the #ReadingRainbowFlashmob IT’S ON!” The children’s book show ran from 1983 all the way to 2009, when it was canceled.
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Basically, the flash mob will feature people dancing to Reading Rainbow’s theme song. Maybe a visual reenactment of the show’s opening sequence with pretty rainbows and several books? As long as it’s not a bunch of fully-formed adults sitting around reading children’s books to each other. That would be a little weird — though NewsFeed would still make an appearance.
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