After the return of the verdict from the hugely publicized trial of 25-year old Casey Anthony, many questions still loomed as to what (if any) repercussions Cindy Anthony, Casey’s mother, would face, after her testimony ignited controversy.
A spokeswoman from the Florida District Attorney’s office told NBC station WESH this past Tuesday that Cindy would not face perjury charges. The decision to proceed with criminal allegations was that of the state of Florida’s alone. Mark Lippman, Cindy Anthony’s attorney, has denied any allegation that his client, Cindy, lied under oath to protect her daughter.
(PHOTOS: Scenes from the Casey Anthony Trial)
Cindy’s most contested statements during the trial involved computer searches of chlorophyll and chloroform, which she claimed was her doing. In response, the prosecution countered with computer experts and Cindy’s coworkers who asserted that Cindy had in fact not returned home from work early on the days the computer searches were conducted, instigating major concerns as to Cindy’s veracity.
One of Casey’s defense attorney’s, Cheney Mason, told the Today show that Casey’s relationship with her parents has become “pretty well burned” as a result of the trial. No doubt in part due to abuse allegations made against George Anthony. Florida jail records show that Casey did refuse a visit from Cindy this past Friday. Reports have indicated that the Casey’s parents have been hiding since receiving life-threatening backfire since the verdict.
PHOTOS: Mothers Who Kill
Video: Lingering Questions About the Casey Anthony Verdict
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