Watch: Six Silly Viral Videos Inspired by Harry Potter

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Warner Bros. Pictures

Cast a Freezing Charm on any distractions, and sneak a peek at NewsFeed’s favorite viral video parodies of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter in preparation for tomorrow’s U.S. premiere of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Nowadays, Darren Criss is the lead vocalist of the Warblers, the all-male a cappella group on Glee. But remember when the Michigan B.F.A grad was belting out original lyrics in A Very Potter Musical?  Check out Part I.


(MORE: Test Your Potter Knowledge With Our Quiz)

From show tunes to R&B, “Hallows” is a spooky take on Beyoncé’s hit single “Halo.”


The series Potter Puppet Pals puts on kooky shows starring the series’ characters.


One young man shows off his cornucopia of Potter memorabilia for Moviefone’s “America’s Biggest Harry Potter Fan” contest. Someone put this guy on A&E’s Hoarders show.


Harry Potter may seem like a great companion in the books, but these comedians imagine he’d be a pretty annoying roommate.


It’s hard out there for a Hufflepuff. Second City’s take on the virtues of being sorted into the Hufflepuff house is not too kind.


Olivia B. Waxman is a TIME contributor. Find her on Twitter at @OBWax. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.