Jonathan May-Bowles leaving City of Westminster Magistrates' Court in London July 29
Jonathan May-Bowles pleaded guilty on Friday to assault. In this case, assault means putting a foam pie in Rupert Murdoch’s face.
Rupert Murdoch and his son, James, were tesifying before the Commons Culture, Media and Sports Committee in the British Parliament. As people started to leave, May-Bowles, 26, a stand-up comedian known as “Jonnie Marbles,” walked from the public gallery to where the elder Murdoch was sitting and put a pie made of shaving cream in his face. Wendi Deng, Rupert Murdoch’s wife, sprang into action, hitting Bowles in the face and throwing the pie back at him.
(VIDEO: Watch: Man Rushes At Rupert Murdoch With Plate of Foam During Parliament Hearing)
May-Bowles’ lawyer, Raj Chodha, admitted that May-Bowles also directed “threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour” at Murdoch, according to The Telegraph.
The hearing at the Westminster Magistrates’ Court lasted only 15 minutes, and May-Bowles only got on the stand to confirm his name, address, and guilty plea. His sentence will be delivered on August 2.
Afterward, May-Bowles approached a group of reporters said only, “I would just like to say this has been the most humble day of my life,” echoing Murdoch’s comment during the hearing.
May-Bowles has not shown any remorse for the incident, and still beams every time he remembers it.
“I felt that I had to do it because I knew there were lots of people out there who would have relished the chance,” he said in an interview with London University’s student newspaper, the London Student.
VIDEOS: Food, Meet (Murdoch’s) Face: A Brief History of Protest Pies
Zachary Cohen is a contributor for TIME. Find him on Twitter at @Zachary_Cohen. You can also continue the discussion on TIME‘s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.