Much Ado About Nothing? Publishers Buzz Over Untitled Book With Anonymous Author

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If this is a ploy to get our attention (and it obviously is), mission accomplished.

The New York Times reports that publisher Little, Brown & Company has recently added a mysterious new non-fiction work to their list of fall releases: “Untitled,” by Anonymous, which is described as “the inside story of life with one of the most controversial figures of our time.”

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While those who’ve been on the receiving end of press releases and are savvy in souped up PR-speak know that “one of the most controversial figures of our time” could apply to anyone from former Rep. Chris Lee (read: controversial for about a minute) to Jersey Shore‘s The Situation (read: no one’s ready to let that show die). But when Little, Brown & Company added that the book’s November 14 release would also include a “a ‘massive media rollout’ with a confirmed 60 Minutes appearance,” interest piqued just a little bit higher.

While it could have been fun to spend some time brainstorming just who the “most controversial” person of our time is, the Times has also revealed that the book is likely about Bernie Madoff. They report that an unnamed source has indicated that one of the book’s co-authors is Catherine Hooper, reportedly the fiancée of Madoff’s son, Andrew.

Which, we’ll admit, will probably make quite a splash, though we can’t help wishing the guessing game could have gone on a bit longer. Oh, well. At least we don’t have to deal with another Jersey Shore novel being forced upon us. (Yet.)

Megan Gibson is a reporter at TIME. Find her on Twitter at @MeganJGibson. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.

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