Anders Breivik, the man who has taken responsibility for the July 22 bombing and shootings in Oslo, Norway, was condemned by Peder Jensen, 36, a right-wing blogger who believes Islamic fundamentalism is taking over Europe.
Breivik may have lauded the writings of the then-anonymous blogger “Fjordman,” but Jensen thought Breivik went too far. “He showed an extreme brutality that’s completely incomprehensible,” Jensen told the Norwegian Daily VG.
(PHOTOS: Explosion and Shooting Rock Norway)
Though Jensen believes Islam is an “irrational cult based on fear,” he says he never advocated for violence.
Breivik himself recognizes the only difference between himself and Jensen is entirely based on the fact that Breivik is in favor of violent action. “Our views are quite similar with the exception of me being an actual armed resistance fighter,” Breivik wrote in his manifesto.
Jensen was originally sought by police for questioning, given Breivik’s infatuation with his writing. He went public to clear his image, and he will not retreat back into hiding to protect himself from reprisals. He also announced the “Fjordman” username would be retired.
“I don’t wish to be associated with Breivik and his horrible actions,” he said.
MORE: Anders Behring Breivik: Why He Wants You to Look at Him
Zachary Cohen is a contributor for TIME. Find him on Twitter at @Zachary_Cohen. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.