Ladies, are you looking for beer that you can enjoy without going against your gender-specific needs such as a love of pink and a hatred of calories? You’re in luck!
Maryland-based Shazz Lewis is the woman behind Chick beer, which, according to the product’s website, “is the only beer brand designed for women, who drink 25% of all beer sold in the U.S.” At last, someone is thinking of the needs of women.
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Conceived as an alternative to all the bro-friendly beer brands on the market that women are forced to imbibe, Chick is a “female-centric” beer as it’s “a light lager, with low carbs and just 97 calories.” Lewis also notes another perk in an interview with the Village Voice: “It’s very mellow. It has a little less carbonation so it doesn’t make you burp.”
If that’s not enough girlie-girlness for you, there’s also the beer’s spunky packaging. Colored with hot pink and black, the six-pack box features an image of a purse and each bottle has a little black dress on the label.
All joking aside, it’s hard to deny that most beers are marketed towards men—have you ever seen a beer commercial? Enough said. Then again it’s also hard to believe that Chick is really being marketed towards women. After all, the packaging seems like it’d be more at home holding something designed for an eight-year-old. Yet the brew is presumably meant for women 21 and older—it is alcoholic, after all—which makes the whole product seem more than a little patronizing.
Then again, five percent of all profits are donated to women’s charities, which is amazing. And, let’s face it, if it tastes like beer (which, in our books, is always a good thing) we’ll probably enjoy it.
Megan Gibson is a reporter at TIME. Find her on Twitter at @MeganJGibson. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.