In what appears to be a bid to shake the “one hit wonder” label, Danish-Norwegian pop group Aqua (of “Barbie Girl” fame) recently released a single, “Playmate to Jesus.”
The song describes some sort of outer space travel that does (or doesn’t?) lead to Jesus and universal love. To complement this noble quest, the music video shows the quartet parading through a contempo-haunted hause in goth getup. Because why not?
Even though “Playmate to Jesus” has the dubious distinction of sounding vaguely like a Lady Gaga track that didn’t pass quality control, it’s relatively catchy, boasting the kind of musical infectiousness that causes you to hum it under your breath on the subway. Fans of “Barbie Girl” (and who isn’t!) will be comforted by lead singer Lene Nystrom’s voice, which crooned the infamous Europop tune 14 years ago. As long as you take “Playmate to Jesus” at face value, you can say that Aqua has made a comeback of sorts. Maybe one day, they will also find their universal love.
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