Apparently, Tumblrs dedicated to Ryan Gosling are the new black.
Inspired by the crazy, stupid popular meme “Hey girl”, this week’s Tumblr has somehow managed to make the Drive hunk even more attractive. Feminist Ryan Gosling is a brand new Tumblr that imagines the comely actor as a sensitive, empathetic feminist who’ll still call you his girl, but also knows his Judith Butler from his Chandra Mohanty. Plus, it’s really funny.
It’s a winning combination: FRG takes an already popular meme, photos of Gosling (who’s widely thought to be the perfect man) and adds in a dash of humor and some solid feminist theory. Is it really any surprise that it only took a few days for this Tumblr to go viral?
Megan Gibson is a Writer-Reporter at the London bureau of TIME. Find her on Twitter at @MeganJGibson. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.