It wasn’t exactly a sparkling day for workers at Superior Discount Liquor, after a 78-foot shelf gave way, sending nearly 7,000 wine bottles crashing to the floor to form a reservoir of booze.
Staff scampered to safety with a river of red wine hot on their heels as the entire store flooded. According to one employee, wine was pouring out of the front and back doors of the Sheboygan, Wis. shop.
Visiting salesman Nick Haen had almost finished restacking the shelf on his weekly visit to the store, when a peculiar sound caught his attention.
“I heard a little shift and all of the sudden I looked up and just saw bottles start coming, and so I turned around and booked it as fast as I could,” Haen, 23, told Sheboygan Press. “It was a little bit of a rush, a little bit of a, ‘Holy man, did that just happen?’ It was unbelievable.”
(VIDEO: California’s Bargain Wine Boom)
Luckily no one was hurt in the July juicing; staff narrowly managed to escape the cascade while customers had yet to arrive in store. The incident only came to light after the the store posted surveillance video on YouTube last week.
And while managers remained tight-lipped over the cost of the damage, one did reveal that the prices of the shattered bottles ranged from $3.99 to $149.99.
Luckily, insurance covered the losses and the shelf has long since been replaced and restocked, meaning there was no cause for sour grapes.
Jak Phillips is a contributor at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @JakPhillips. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.