In a scene straight out of the Die Hard movie series, an extremely committed Brazilian police officer took down an aircraft full of bootleggers and stolen goods using his car.
The real life John McClane is a Brazilian Federal Police Officer in Ribeirao Preto, a city in the northeast of São Paulo state. The heroics – captured on video and shown on Brazilian news web site Folha.com – begin with the officer careering a vehicle resembling a Chevy Trailblazer down a dirt road towards a small white plane.
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As the aircraft looms large in the windshield, instead of stopping or bypassing it, the gun-ho law enforcer drives into a wing, smashing the car’s windshield in the process. Within seconds, other heavily armed cops are pouring out the car, guns drawn, to surround the now disabled jet.
The culmination of a month-long investigation, the operation – involving 10 officers – ended with the arrest of five suspects, including the pilot of the plane. On board they seized an estimated $200,000 of cargo smuggled in from Paraguay – notebooks, electronic surveillance equipment and, bizarrely, a bicycle.
And the damage to the cop car? Reportedly a mere $400.
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Joe Jackson is a contributor at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @joejackson. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.