Celebrated author, journalist and contrarian Christopher Hitchens passed away due to complications from cancer last night at 62. Throughout his colorful career, the British-born writer frequently polarized opinion — and while many questioned his arguments, Hitchens’ talent remains undoubted.
NewsFeed rounds up the top Twitter tributes to the bon viveur described by his Vanity Fair editor, Graydon Carter, as being “as vibrant on the page as he was at the bar.”
(MORE: Christopher Hitchens: A Career in Quotes)
British novelist Salman Rushdie:
[tweet https://twitter.com/SalmanRushdie/status/147572519115825152%5D
Richard Dawkins, a fellow atheist and author of The God Delusion:
[tweet https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/147597659719483392%5D
Seth Meyers, Saturday Night Live head writer:
[tweet https://twitter.com/sethmeyers21/status/147541602427076608%5D
Stephen Fry, British writer and comedian:
[tweet https://twitter.com/stephenfry/status/147620972458033152%5D
Peter Bradshaw, Guardian film critic:
[tweet https://twitter.com/PeterBradshaw1/status/147579435246288896%5D
Ricky Gervais, writer, director and stand-up comedian:
[tweet https://twitter.com/rickygervais/status/147614311802605568%5D
Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of Newsweek and The Daily Beast:
[tweet https://twitter.com/TheTinaBeast/status/147665063031996417%5D
Tony Parsons, novelist:
[tweet https://twitter.com/TonyParsonsUK/status/147622678352756736%5D
Rick Warren, Evangelical minister and author:
[tweet https://twitter.com/RickWarren/status/147558435007893504%5D
Tony Blair, former British prime minister:
[tweet https://twitter.com/tonyblairoffice/status/147655089782394880%5D