The British Transport Police want passengers to have a safe and merry Christmas, so they’ve uploaded a video of a drunk woman falling underneath a train.
The footage, which aired on Britain’s national news programs Thursday morning, shows a clearly intoxicated passenger stumbling out of a train. She then falls backwards and rolls off the platform and onto the tracks. Fortunately, fellow passengers managed to alert the driver, and the woman emerged with just a few scrapes and bruises. The incident took place at Barnsley station in South Yorkshire earlier this year.
“We understand that at this time of year, with Christmas fast approaching, people will be out at parties and will be consuming alcohol,” inspector Graham Bridges of the British Transport Police said. “We certainly do not want to spoil this and would simply ask that anyone drinking alcohol does so responsibly.”
As part of the public service announcement, the police also offer the following advice, which most sober people would probably follow anyway.
– Mind the gap between the train and the platform
– Plan your return journey well in advance
– Know your limits when it comes to alcohol
– Look after friends and colleagues
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William Lee Adams is a staff writer at the London bureau of TIME. Find him on Twitter at @willyleeadams or on Facebook. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.