An ostrich which had escaped from a farm walks past a car in Tomioka, inside the exclusion zone of a 20km radius around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan
Internet Blackout: Many popular websites have shut down today to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act. If you want to join in the dissent, here’s what you can do. (Techland)
Risky Romance: Forget valentines. Young couples are apparently gifting each other their online passwords. This can’t end well. (New York Times)
Modern Art: A Swedish artist added color to iconic black and white photos, and the results are surreal — and stunning. (The Daily What)
Sharing Thoughts: A new study of 250 million users shows that Facebook isn’t just an ideological “echo chamber.” (Slate)
Cure-All: Hypochondriacs, take note. Here’s how to cure the most gruesome fictional diseases. (Flavorwire)
Drink Up: Get ready for happy hour with these vintage, Mad Men-style beer ads. (LIFE)
Viral Video: A dog and some cows get to know one another. That’s all. (BuzzFeed)