Host Bill Maher is shown on the set of "Real Time With Bill Maher" in Los Angeles.
Thursday night, in a live streamed stand-up-comedy event called “CrazyStupidPolitics,” Bill Maher pledged $1 million to the Super PAC supporting President Obama’s reelection effort.
“I would like to announce tonight a donation to the Obama Super PAC which has the very unfortunate tongue-twister name Priorities USA Action. I know, it was named by Borat,” Maher quipped, according to Yahoo, which streamed the event. “Tonight I would like to give that PAC one million dollars.”
(MORE: Attack of the Super PACs!)
The donation makes Maher one of the largest single donors to the Priorities USA Action PAC, behind Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, who contributed $2.1 million, ABC News reported. The PAC raised $4.1 million in 2011.
It’s no surprise that he pledged money to Obama’s reelection cause. The HBO host has never hidden his agenda or concealed his disdain for the current GOP frontrunners. (Maher signed his $1 million dollar check with the words “kicking ass.”)
But Maher has been critical of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision that allowed unlimited donations and the creation of these Super PACs.
“At least in the past when you could only give, what, $2,300 was the maximum to a candidate, most of Obama’s money came from regular people … But now a million people could give $200 each and they would be drowned out by one person writing one check, that seems insane,” Maher recently said on his Real Time HBO show.
(MORE: No Joke: Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Raises $1 Million)
What changed? Well, maybe he’s taking the Sheldon Adelson approach to opening his checkbook. Adelson, a billionaire backer of Newt Gingrich who’s poured millions into Super PACs backing the candidate, had perhaps the most ironic take on the subject of unlimited giving.
“I’m against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections,” Adelson said in a Forbes interview. “But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it.”