Watch: Zorro Defends College Lecture from Evildoer

Everybody loves a good prank. Especially if it interrupts chemistry class.

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Students at the University of Michigan had a temporary reprieve from their chemistry lecture when Zorro, a villain and a Mariachi band appeared on the scene. In a video of the ambitious classroom prank, a student “thief” in a bandana runs into the lecture hall full of drowsy undergrads, seizes a girl’s purse, and shouts “There’s no one here to stop me!” Against the background of maracas, a trumpet and a guitar, Zorro appears and leaps down to the front of the hall. Sword-fighting, a rose for the damsel in distress, and a signature Zorro “Z” come next.

Despite the audience’s warm reception, the chemistry professor has the last laugh: He turns Zorro’s chalkboard “Z” into an organic compound with the addition of a few well-placed chemical symbols.

MORE: The Biggest Pranks in Geek History