French matador Sebastian Castella leans his face over the barrier during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville April 23, 2012. REUTERS/Marcelo del Pozo (SPAIN - Tags: SOCIETY)
Dad of the Year: Heading today’s list of awesome people is Stuart Chaifetz, who sent his 10-year-old autistic son to school wearing a wire to get to the bottom of a mysterious bout of misbehavior and caught a teacher and an aide in the act of bullying him. (The Daily
Getting Lucky: Meet the woman who won a million-dollar lottery jackpot. Twice. In one day. (Buzzfeed)
Living Dangerously: The best part about this Flavorwire list of the most genuinely terrifying people in hip hop? There are some folks who are too scary to even include. (Flavorwire)
Because you’ve Gotta Scream Something: Why do we yell ‘Geronimo’ when we jump out of airplanes? (Mental Floss)
Vegas, Baby: The billionaire CEO of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, wants to use his money to reinvent Sin City’s dilapidated downtown. (
Awesome Frog of the Day: Just chillin’ on a bench like a tiny green human.