This whole music thing is really working out for President Barack Obama. The President got all Justin Timberlake on us by joining “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” on Tuesday on the campus of the University of North Carolina to “slow-jam the news” in front of the live audience with the Roots playing some soulful R&B in the background.
As you see from the clip, Obama doesn’t pull out the lyrical genius we’ve seen previously, instead basically reading a stump speech to back up his proposal for lower-rate student loans with some background tunes (talk about playing to the crowd), but Fallon offers the most musical intrigue with his jokes sprinkled into the bit, including calling Obama “the Preezy of the United Steezy.”
(VIDEO: Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon Give a Double Dose of Rap History)
After introducing the regular Fallon feature by saying, “I want to slow jam the news and I’m not the only one,” the stage curtains opened to reveal Obama, who says, “I am President Barack Obama, and I too want to slow jam the news.”
Obama then jumps into his musically-enhanced speech, but Fallon takes over lyrically with such hard-hitting lines as, “The Pell Grant is a beautiful thing, but is it enough by itself to satisfy all your collegiate needs? Ah, Pell No.”
Obama, sitting on a stool, calls out Congress for failing to tax billionaires, which prompts Fallon to dub him The Barackness Monster.
UNC students ate up the bit and Roots lead singer Tariq Trotter delivered some memorable pop culture lines and labeled Obama the “POTUS with the most-est.” Maybe Fallon can convince Obama to sing all his speeches from now on.
PHOTOS: Inside Barack Obama’s World