In a spectacular display of nature’s merciless lack of irony, a group of Australian fishermen have filmed a great white shark enjoying a tasty meal — another shark. Apparently, it’s just not humans that have to worry about Jaws.
(MORE: ‘Jaws’ in Real Life: Great White Shark Jumps Into Boat in South Africa)
Though the incident reportedly happened last year off Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach, the footage only surfaced on YouTube a couple of days ago. New South Wales officials have only vaguely commented on the incident, saying there are no visible landmarks to confirm it happened in their jurisdiction.
Fishermen and officials estimate that the shark filmed (the diner, for clarification, not the meal) was probably about 18 feet in length. “It was on a 32-foot boat so the shark must have been at least [that long],” said fisherman Henry Minter, who watched as the great white fell upon the much smaller blue shark the fishermen had snared on one of their lines. Great whites have been known to grow to about 20 feet in length or even more.
(MORE: Spontaneous Shark Week: 18-Foot Great White Breaks Record)
No one was hurt during the attack (not counting the woeful blue shark) even though the fishermen repeatedly attempted to touch the great white’s nose, as a joke. Um, that’s a fun game we encourage you not to try at home.
Erica Ho is a contributor at TIME and the editor of Map Happy. Find her on Twitter at @ericamho and Google+. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.