A helicopter flies over as High Park fire burns west of Fort Collins, Colo. on Tuesday, June 12, 2012.
Wildfires that began in Colorado on June 8 have destroyed more than 100 structures and have taken one life, Reuters reports, and much of the blaze has yet to be contained. One fire is already the third-largest in the state’s history, and with other conflagrations spreading across Colorado, Utah and New Mexico, what looks to be a long and deadly summer fire season is getting off to an early start.
(PHOTOS: High Park Wildfires Whip Through Colorado)
But there’s one thing about forests fires: it’s hard to look away. Dozens of camera-toting observers — both amateur and professional — have taken some incredible footage of the conflagrations. Here are our favorites, both harrowing and dazzling:
1. This must-watch home video documents one family’s narrow escape from the flames, with terrified young children in tow. This raw footage includes a harrowing drive away from the blaze, starting at 1:29.
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2. A segment on NBC Nightly News from June 11 features reporting on the out-of-control blaze along with a view of the damage from space (0:50) and personal accounts from evacuees.
3. This video, posted by an independent YouTube user, features some striking shots of trees going up in flames (starting at 0:19) and a bold yellow sky (at 0:13).
[vodpod id=Video.16499475&w=425&h=350&fv=launch%3D47789327%26width%3D420%26height%3D245]
4. This NBC Nightly News broadcast from June 12 includes views of forests and neighborhoods left in wreckage in the fire’s wake.
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5. Cameras on the ground captured a hellish inferno, but the aerial views captured the hazy dreamworld above. WLFI.com’s opening shot of sun glaring off the white smoke is almost serene.