What Game of Thrones Would Be Like with Super PAC Ads

You haven't seen mudslinging until you've seen it with actual mud.

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Ever wonder what Game of Thrones would look like if all the twisted, gnarly politics in the show were real and each candidate was waging a veritable mudslinging media campaign against the other? Wish granted.

The Mother Jones team has created three videos, envisioning a world where super PACs and dirty money are alive and kicking in Westeros. With all the backstabbing and secrets lying around the Seven Kingdoms, we imagine it would be a pretty dirty smear campaign — and this pretty much proves us right. Given that it’s an election year, it’s the perfect antidote if you’re sick of all the political ads coming your way.

(MORE: Own the Game of Thrones Iron Throne for $30,000)

If you haven’t seen the second season of Game of Thrones, there are minor spoilers ahead. Here are the two other videos:



MORE: Game of Thrones Watch: Fire, Meet Ice

Erica Ho is a contributor at TIME and the editor of Map Happy. Find her on Twitter at @ericamho and Google+. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.