And just when you thought this year’s campaign season couldn’t get more dramatic, here’s a curveball: the cast of The West Wing has reunited to shoot a campaign ad.
Yes, seriously. Nearly all the stars of the hit NBC drama, which went off air in 2006, have busted out their quippiest dialog and dusted off their walking-and-talking skills to record this video. It encourages viewers to vote in nonpartisan state-level ballot measures, Michigan news website MLive.com reports. The characters also sneak in an endorsement of Bridget Mary McCormack, a University of Michigan law professor who’s running for the state Supreme Court.
The video is essentially a mini-episode centered around the “crisis” of voters not filling in their ballots completely — but the plug for McCormack is hard to ignore. She landed the high-profile endorsement through her sister, Mary McCormack, who played deputy national security adviser Kate Harper on the show’s last three seasons. Mary, who appears in the web video, suggested the project when her sister told her about the state’s problematic lack of voter participation. She told MLive.com that the whole idea “sort of snowballed” and before she knew it, Martin Sheen, who played President Josiah Bartlet, had signed on.
But while the video clearly endorses her as a candidate, McCormack emphasized the nonpartisan motives behind it. “It doesn’t even matter what side of the issue you’re on,” she told MLive.com. “More of us should participate. That’s really the only goal — it’s a real public education goal.”