Red Bull Editions
While the Red Bull-sponsored Stratos Project has been temporarily grounded — daredevil Felix Baumgartner’s attempt to break the sound barrier while free-falling from 120,000 feet up was scuppered due to high winds on Tuesday — the company’s energy drink line is taking off. The popular energy drink brand has announced plans to roll out Red Bull Editions — three new flavors in color-coordinated 8.4-ounce cans—this coming March. It’s the first time the Austria-based beverage company has altered its signature flavor.
(PHOTOS: Free Falling from the Edge of Space: Felix Baumgartner Prepares for His Epic Leap)
Expect to find cranberry-flavored Red Bull in bright red cans, blueberry in (you guessed it) blue cans and a lime-flavored beverage in silver cans.
Bloomberg Businessweek reports that Red Bull still leads Monster — its nearest competitor in the energy drinks category — in total dollars earned, but that Monster has an edge in the U.S. market (34.8 percent versus 29.5 percent).
(MORE: New York Lawmakers Investigate Energy Drink Claims)
Monster already has over a dozen varieties of its Monster Energy drink and has introduced four other lines of Monster drinks, including six different varieties of the coffee-flavored Java Monster line. Red Bull, in contrast, has only had added a cola drink and Red Bull Total Zero, which offers a zero calories, carbs or sugar, an option the company introduced earlier this year.
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