It can be hard for political candidates to make waves on the campaign trail or to get noticed in a crowded field of candidates during a presidential election cycle. But Washington state Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna managed to make headlines by busting out the moves to Psy’s ubiquitous dance song “Gangnam Style” at a Korean Day party. But McKenna, in his horse dance-induced haze, clearly wasn’t thinking of the children — his children. The video went on YouTube, and now, his son Connor would really like him to stop.
(MORE: Psy Talks ‘Gangnam Style’ and Newfound Fame)
McKenna, who currently serves as the state’s attorney general, and his wife, Marilyn, danced Gangnam style at the Washington State Korean Association Korean Day event. The video went viral, after attracting the attention of Seattle Times political reporter Jim Brunner, much to the humiliation of the couple’s tween-aged son, Connor. Soon after, Marilyn McKenna tweeted that the couple’s 12-year-old son offered her $10 to never dance the Gangnam again.
The couple’s oldest daughter echoed the sentiment, saying that the “video takes parental embarrassment to a whole new level.”
Now Connor has taken matters into his own hands. In the video above, Connor takes his case to anyone who has ever been 12 years old. In the video he asks them to join his cause and help prevent his parents from ever dancing to “Gangnam Style” again, because according to Connor, “Really, it’s the only way I could ever show my face at school again.”
Maybe Connor should consider exporting his father to Japan?
MORE: Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama: Whose ‘Gangnam Style’ Parody Video Is Better?
MORE: WATCH: PSY’s ‘Gangnam Style’ Is the Best Invisible Horse-Riding Rap Video You’ll See All Week
It can be hard for political candidates to make waves on the campaign trail or to get noticed in a crowded field of candidates during a presidential election cycle. But Washington state Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna managed to make headlines by busting out the moves to Psy’s ubiquitous dance song “Gangnam Style” at a Korean Day party. But McKenna, in his horse dance-induced haze, clearly wasn’t thinking of the children — his children. The video went on YouTube, and now, his son Connor would really like him to stop.
(MORE: Psy Talks ‘Gangnam Style’ and Newfound Fame)
McKenna, who currently serves as the state’s attorney general, and his wife, Marilyn, danced Gangnam style at the Washington State Korean Association Korean Day event. The video went viral, after attracting the attention of Seattle Times political reporter Jim Brunner, much to the humiliation of the couple’s tween-aged son, Connor. Soon after, Marilyn McKenna tweeted that the couple’s 12-year-old son offered her $10 to never dance the Gangnam again.
The couple’s oldest daughter echoed the sentiment, saying that the “video takes parental embarrassment to a whole new level.”
Now Connor has taken matters into his own hands. In the video above, Connor takes his case to anyone who has ever been 12 years old. In the video he asks them to join his cause and help prevent his parents from ever dancing to “Gangnam Style” again, because according to Connor, “Really, it’s the only way I could ever show my face at school again.”
Maybe Connor should consider exporting his father to Japan?
MORE: Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama: Whose ‘Gangnam Style’ Parody Video Is Better?
MORE: WATCH: PSY’s ‘Gangnam Style’ Is the Best Invisible Horse-Riding Rap Video You’ll See All Week