In a 2008 appearance on Good Morning America, Joe Biden didn’t just laugh at himself; he watched himself being lampooned on Saturday Night Live and giggled like a schoolboy. “Oh God,” Biden says after seeing Jason Sudeikis play him in a skit, “I wish I had that much hair.” The Vice President’s gaffes and the sidekick status of his office have made him a favorite for satirists, who often portray Biden as the joyously unrefined counterpart to a professorial President. Articles from faux newspaper The Onion have helped build this mythology. (Sample headline: “Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway.”) On SNL, Sudeikis played a pugnacious “Big Daddy Joe” after October’s debate. “You don’t scare me, shark eyes,” he tells renowned gym rat Paul Ryan. “You wanna know my workout? When the Amtrak breaks down on my morning commute, I strip down to my tighty-whities [and] I push that b—- all the way to Washington.” Oh, how Biden must have guffawed after that one.
Happy Birthday Mr. Vice President: Our 10 Favorite Joe Biden Moments
As Vice President Joe Biden celebrates his 70th birthday, NewsFeed reflects on the humor and humility of Scranton's favorite son.
Loving the SNL Parodies of Himself
Full List
Uncle Joe's High Jinks
- Joe Biden’s High Jinks
- The ‘BFD’
- The Preemptive Gay Marriage Announcement
- The ‘Malarkey’ Debate
- Getting Cozy in A Biker Bar
- The 2012 Memorial Day Speech
- Asking a Wheelchair-Bound Senator to ‘Stand Up’
- ‘Barack America’
- Inviting Firefighters to the White House for a Beer
- His Cameo on Parks and Recreation
- Loving the SNL Parodies of Himself