Clowns gather as the sun rises for the start of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City on Nov. 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We’re not sure why you’d be reading this, unless you’re taking a break from watching the parade or came here by mistake looking for instructions on how to carve a turkey. But we just wanted to list a few of the things we’re thankful for today.
The Gaza Cease-Fire. It’s not a holiday there, of course, but we’re still glad that there aren’t rockets being fired on Thanksgiving. (
Football All Afternoon. Here’s how to sound smart talking about the games. And while we’re especially glad not to be a long-shot NFL rookie linebacker, we salute these guys for spending their Thanksgiving entertaining us. (New York Times)
Nordstrom. Unlike some other stores, there’s no Black Thursday shopping for these guys. (Racked)
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Marathon. Sadly, it’s not with us anymore, but Mental Floss lets you play along at home with some of the best episodes. Thanks, guys. (Mental Floss)
Sitcom Thanksgiving Episodes. Truly the best. Here’s how to celebrate like your favorite characters. (Flavorwire)
That We’re Not in the Friend Zone. It’s all this guy. (Cheezburger)
This Kitten. Bliss. (BuzzFeed)
… And in Case You’re Still Looking: Here’s how to carve a turkey. (New York Times)
Happy Thanksgiving!