Raising her Power Ball ticket in the air, Hortcina Martinez shouts in excitement in hopes of winning the $500 million jackpot from a ticket purchased at Oscar's Food Mart #1 on Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012, in Houston.
Jackpot: A record $500 million Powerball drawing is tonight, and folks are getting excited — unless, of course, you live in a state where the lottery isn’t available, like these Nevadans, in which case you’re probably standing in a very long line in Arizona right now. (BuzzFeed)
…Just Don’t Be These People: 10 cautionary tales of lottery winners who lost it all. (TIME.com)
Oh, and Make That $550 Million. The stakes are still going up. (Associated Press)
Baby Talk: Watch this adorable toddler have a conversation with Apple’s Siri. (CNN.com)
…It’s Harder Than It Looks: Mental Floss lays out the seven things a computer has to do to understand human speech. (Mental Floss)
Ask Me Anything: Rep. Darrell Issa is drafting a new piece of Internet legislation, and he wants Reddit’s help. (The Daily Wh.at)
The Time Is Now. Yep. (NPR’s Fresh Air, via Tumblr)
Let’s Do Lunch: President Obama and almost-President Mitt Romney will share a meal at the White House on Thursday. (New York Times)
Good News for Lazy People: A new study says that endurance running, especially for older athletes, can take a toll on the heart that cancels out the benefits of exercise. Now sit down and pass me those cheese fries. (Wall Street Journal)
The Coolest Picture of Saturn You’ll See All Day. Unless you’ve got, like, a million pictures of Saturn on your desk or something. (Slate.com)
The 100 Best Living Writers in New York City. After all, where else would they be? Check out this epic list of some of the world’s greatest scribes. (Flavorwire)
The Scariest Hidden Camera Prank Ever. Seriously terrifying. This is just mean. (via Gawker)