Move over, OK Cupid. Scram, eHarmony. The Nature Conservancy of Canada is hoping to make their moose population fall in love the old-fashioned way — with a land deal.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada recently launched a new initiative to boost moose populations in Nova Scotia — where the large mammals have been listed as endangered since 2003 — by creating a preservation corridor along the narrow isthmus that connects the province to New Brunswick. According to the CBC, the new program — aptly, if somewhat bluntly, named “The Moose Sex Project”– hopes to raise $35,000 to buy up and protect land along the Chignecto Isthmus, allowing New Brunswick’s healthy moose population to cross over to Nova Scotia and find mates.
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“Moose populations in New Brunswick are quite healthy and continue to be healthy,” said Andrew Holland, spokesman for the Nature Conservancy of Canada, speaking to the CBC. “Our hope for this narrow section of land … is we keep it open for large animals so the moose in New Brunswick can go over and make friends with the moose in Nova Scotia.” But it’s not just moose that can make the most of the new love connection: the Nature Conservancy also expects other mammals and birds such as the Canada lynx, bobcat and northern goshawk to use the new corridor of love, find new mates and mix up the genetic gene pool.
Who says you can’t buy love?
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