Tina Fey and Amy Poehler arrive at the 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at the Shrine Exposition Center, January 30, 2011 in Los Angeles.
The mere fact that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are co-hosting Sunday’s Golden Globe Awards would have been enough to fill the month’s awesomeness quota. More than enough. But just a few days before the event, the duo has hit us with an extra dose of excellence: they’ve concocted a drinking game to get us nice and boozy as we watch what’s sure to be a hilarious show.
Fey said that she and fellow Saturday Night Live alum (and real-life best friend) Poehler decided to host the event because it’s “a very kind of sloppy, loud party, and that seemed like our kind of thing.” The two know full well what the ambiance of the evening tends to be — Fey has won two Golden Globes (out of six nominations), and Poehler has been nominated twice. In her 2009 acceptance speech, Tina Fey embraced the awards show’s irreverent atmosphere when she told rude Internet commenters to “suck it.” But her comment was tame compared to her Hollywood peers — Mickey Rourke offered his middle finger during his speech, and Slumdog Millionaire producer Christian Colson closed his with a few bleeped-out words. It’s not a stretch to say the champagne flows rapidly.
(MORE: Tina Fey Raps on Childish Gambino’s New Mixtape)
And if the stars can get into the party spirit, why shouldn’t we? That’s where their drinking game comes in. The comedy veterans sat down with The Hollywood Reporter for an interview this month and revealed the carefully-crafted rules:
- Drink any time an actress cries in a speech.
- Drink any time you see a person actively not listening to someone onstage.
- Drink any time someone says, “I didn’t prepare anything!”
- Take off an article of clothing any time they show Judi Dench.
- Take off an article of clothing any time Maggie Smith wins.
- Eat a meatball sub any time someone thanks Harvey Weinstein.
You can probably add in a few of your own rules — but what’s the point? This list is pretty exhaustive.
It’s not surprising that the women have already shown off their comedic chemistry ahead of Sunday’s event. The uber-successful NBC darlings spent several years working side by side on SNL, including a long run as co-anchors of the Weekend Update segment. They also appeared together in the movies Baby Mama and Mean Girls.
The Golden Globes air on NBC this Sunday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. EST. Better start preparing that meatball sub now — just in case.