From left to right: Hinna Zeejah, 8, Taejah Goode, 10, Julia Stokes, 11, and Grant Fritz, 8, who wrote letters to President Barack Obama about the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., watch as Obama signs executive orders outlining proposals to reduce gun violence, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013, at the White House in Washington.
Opening Salvo: President Obama announced his proposals for curbing gun violence as a result of Vice President Joe Biden’s committee recommendations, including these 23 executive orders, which he signed today. Watch the video here. (The Atlantic;
A 10 Point Plan: The Washington Post has distilled the president’s strategy to a handy list of policies. (Washington Post)
But Wait: Don’t get too excited, Politico says, because there’s a good chance his plan is doomed. DOOOOOOOMED. (Politico)
Also, We’ve Seen This Before: TIME has collected 45 years of cover stories on tragic shootings and the gun control debate, and they’re all depressingly similar. (
…And Your Tinfoil Hat: Here are 8 of the most popular government conspiracy theories — and what they get right. (Mental Floss)
…And Assuming You’ve Already Got All Those Things: Here are 10 new gadgets you can’t live without. (Flavorwire)
And Speaking of Crazy Conspiracy Theorists: Whole Foods CEO John Mackey says we’d be foolish to think that Obamacare is socialism. It’s actually fascism. (
Everything Sucks, I’m Angry, Etc. A day in the life of a shopping mall goth kid. (BuzzFeed)
Ask Me Anything, I’ll Be Back: Arnold Schwarzenegger did a Reddit AMA yesterday. Here’s how it went. (Reddit via Cheezburger)
Hipster Glasses Company Gets Hipsterer: If Warby Parker’s delightfully twee annual report was a person, it’d be Zooey Deschanel. (Warby Parker)
Meanwhile, the N.R.A. Isn’t Making Friends: Its new attack ad that appears to target Obama’s daughters, Sacha and Malia, has been called “The Most Insane Ever” by Vanity Fair. It’s even crazier than this one. (Vanity Fair)