Lance Armstrong waves after receiving the bronze medal in the men's individual time trials at the 2000 Summer Olympics cycling road course in Sydney, Australia, Sept. 30, 2000.
Lance Speaks: Lance Armstrong’s interview with Oprah airs tonight on OWN (look it up) during which he’ll reportedly admit to doping during his long and successful career, during which he reportedly “laid it all on the table.” He was also stripped of his gold medal today. (ABC News)
Why Did He Do It? Maybe Lance couldn’t help himself. (Keeping Score)
And Who Cares If Lance Armstrong Is Sorry? That’s an even better question. (TIME.com)
Answer? Not Us! The Lance Armstrong scandal is old news; today’s biggest story is the Manti Te’o Fake Dead Girlfriend scandal, as reported by sports blog Deadspin. Read the whole amazing story here. (Deadspin)
Six Other People Who Did Not Exist: Manti’s mysterious girlfriend has some interesting company. (Mental Floss)
The Hipster Gun Culture: Because the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy in an ironic mustache with a gun. (BuzzFeed)
The Next F—ing Chapter: Author of the “children’s book for adults” Go the F— to Sleep Adam Mansbach has a new book. He talks about it here. (Flavorwire)
Iron for Breakfast: Who knew that cereal had enough iron in it that you could actually find it with a magnet? We’re going back to pop tarts. (Spangler Experiment Library via Cheezburger)