U.S. Abolishes Ban on Women Serving in Combat. All military jobs will now be available to women. (Battleland)
Key Role for Top U.S. General. Gen. Martin Dempsey—chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—endorsed the move and signed the new directive alongside Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Thursday. (CNN)
Marco Rubio Backs the Change. The Florida senator’s stance represents a shift on the issue of women in combat for the GOP. (BuzzFeed)
This Is Your Daily Manti Te’o Update… For those of you who didn’t watch his interview with Katie Couric yesterday. It was quite emotional. Confusing, but emotional. (TIME.com)
How Many Words Do Eskimos Really Have for Snow? Seems like a lot. Maybe not though? But probably. (mental_floss)
The Foot, the Whole Foot and Nothing But the Foot: A pair of New Jersey residents have filed a lawsuit in hopes of forcing Subway to change the name of its “footlong” sandwich, after discovering a picture of one measuring just 11 inches on the company’s Facebook page. (The Daily What)
Kudos to the First Family. For fashion, naturally. Presumably other things as well though. (Go Fug Yourself)
Here’s How We Know It’s Friday: Neil Patrick Harris, Bollywood and puppet dreams—all in one video. (YouTube via Divanee)