The Oscars Happened. Argo won for Best Picture, Ang Lee (Life of Pi) for Best Director, Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln) for Best Actor and Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook) for Best Actress. (
Seth MacFarlane Was Awkward. Sure, the Family Guy creator and first-time host had his share of awkward moments, but at least he wasn’t Billy Crystal in blackface. (Tuned In)
Possibly the Oddest Oscar Show in History. At least it wasn’t the longest. (BuzzFeed)
The 2013 Oscar Telecast, By the Numbers: Quite frankly, it’s amazing there weren’t more Lincoln assassination jokes. (Flavorwire)
Ten People Who Misplaced Their Oscars. The ones whose statuettes are still missing are among the saddest, people in Hollywood, naturally. (mental_floss)
The Fall of Jennifer Lawrence. Literally, not figuratively, of course—she did just win an Oscar for Best Actress at the age of 22. (Vulture)
How to Calculate Your Terrible Tweet Score. Just in case anyone feels like going back to last night and determining the worst Oscar-related joke of the evening. (The Daily What)
Movie: The Movie: 2V. On his post-Oscars show, Jimmy Kimmel released the highly anticipated sequel to his original movie, Movie: The Movie—now featuring an enormous Channing Tatum and armless Bryan Cranston. (YouTube)