A man rides his bicycle with a cat on his shoulder next to Saint Peter's Square in Rome March 7, 2013.
He Dreamed a Dream: Hugo Chávez loved Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables so much, he became a socialist because of it. Two Hugos, two accent marks and one epic tale of socioeconomic justice. Now that sounds like a musical. (Slate)
Movie Messages: Did it ever occur to you that many Disney Princesses who fall in love with handsome older gentlemen are actually minors? Snow White is 14! Jasmine is 15! Who knew the Sultan of Agrabah was so liberal about teenage midriff? (BuzzFeed)
Viva La Fiesta: ABBA is Sweden’s most important (musical) export, but though they sang in English, that didn’t stop them from releasing tunes in their mother tongue — or in Spanish. “Dancing Queen” didn’t get the bilingual treatment, probably because “Tu eres la reina de bailar” doesn’t quite roll off the tongue. (mental_floss)
Mean Girls: Say what you will about Taylor Swift — serial dater, writer of vengeful ex-boyfriend anthems, muse of goat memes — but nobody messes with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. T-Swift wasn’t a fan of the Golden Globes co-hosts’ jab at her personal life, but she’s not the only one who can’t take a joke. (Flavorwire)
Cover Girl: Facebook’s HBIC (that’s head brunette in charge, people) Sheryl Sandberg is on the cover of this week’s magazine, and she’s on a mission to reboot feminism. (TIME)
New Pornographers: Amazon and Barnes & Noble have pledged to keep x-rated content off their e-book devices, using both computer and human filters to screen out unwanted porn. But somehow that hasn’t stopped the Kindle Store from accumulating 400 search-result pages of erotica. (Popular Science)
Spread The Wealth: Columbia University has a nutella problem: The school pays $5,000 a week to keep its dining halls supplied because kids just can’t seem to get enough. (Gawker)
Holy Self Control: Need a higher power to intervene in your Internet life? Meet God.js, a programming language that uses various scripts — scriptures! — to set rules about your online behavior. Users can also share and upload their digital “religion,” which punishes you (by opening dozens of browser-slowing tabs of animated .gifs) when you stray from it. (The Daily Wh.at)
Talking Points: Kicking yourself for missing all 12 hours of Rand Paul’s filibuster speech to block John Brennan’s CIA nomination? Of course you are. Here’s the whole shebang distilled down to 120 seconds. (Mashable)