Laughter is the best medicine, right?
While Lindsay Lohan has a history of showing up late to court appearances, she showed up on time to The Late Show last night. The actress was there to promote her latest film, Scary Movie 5 (also starring Charlie Sheen), but Letterman seemed more interested in hearing more about her struggles with addiction and the court-ordered rehab she is starting next month as part of the plea deal she accepted in a “misdemeanor car crash case,” the Associated Press reports.
“I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I think it’s a blessing,” she said of her sentence as the audience applauded.
She snapped at Letterman when he pried her about her drug of choice, telling him he sounded just like “Dr. Phil.” And she cut him off before he could rattle off a list of zingers about her troubled history, saying she felt uncomfortable joking about something as serious as rehab.
But Letterman assured her that she was going to be just fine: “You’re a good sport… You have enough spine, enough sense of yourself, enough poise to come out here and talk to me.” Tearing up, Lohan picked up his mug and took a drink: “Oh, I thought this was going to be vodka,” she joked. That one-liner got a lot more laughs than her April Fool’s prank, when she tweeted that she was pregnant.
MORE: Lindsay Lohan’s Brushes With The Law…in Mug Shots
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