Luther and Ruthie - bags packed and Boston bound
Amid the suffering and wreckage of the tragedy in Boston, a little furry comfort is on its way.
Specially trained golden retrievers are being sent to the city by The Lutheran Church Charities to provide relief to the community after the attacks, reported
The dogs will be stationed at a Lutheran church just a few blocks away from the finishing line, for anyone who wants to talk or cuddle. They are also scheduled to visit victims of the attacks in local hospitals, Today said.
A user on Reddit posted a photo of a therapy dog — not affiliated with The Lutheran Church Charities canines— greeting those who returned to the area to collect their gear Wednesday morning — and the image has gone viral, reported the San Francisco Chronicle.
According to Grist, the Lutheran Church Charities started this program after the Northern Illinois University shooting in 2008; dogs were brought to Newtown, Conn. in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings in December.
There are a total of 67 dogs in the program, and some of them, like Louie, have their own social media accounts.

K-9 Comfort Dogs Ruthie and Luther along with LCC staff Rich and Dona Martin visit with a survivor of the bombings in Boston just before she went into surgery for her leg.