You may remember Jimmy McMillan. In 2011, the exuberantly bewhiskered former postal service worker ran for governor of New York on a single-issue platform: “the rent,” he said in a televised gubernatorial debate, “is too damn high.”
McMillan stole the spotlight and became an instant viral sensation due to the broad appeal and unifying cross-party platform of his “The Rent Is Too Damn High Party”. After all, no matter your political affiliations, most New Yorkers would probably agree: the rent is too damn high.
Now McMillan is campaigning to be elected Mayor of New York City — and he’s throwing his hat in the ring with a viral rap video. It goes something like this: “I’m Jimmy McMillan/2013/I’m running for mayor/Come and run with me.”
“It’s been two long years since I been on the scene, now I’m back in the game looking mean and lean,” McMillan sings in the video. “The race may be different but the message is the same, R.I.T.D.H. is going to change the game!”
That’s some change we can believe in.
MORE: Rent Was Too Damn High. Now It’s Even Higher
MORE: Watch: Jimmy ‘Rent Is Too Damn High’ McMillan Gets Documentary Treatment