The US flag flutters in front of the US consulate in Hong Kong on June 10. Edward Snowden is reportedly holed up in a nearby hotel room.
Edward Snowden Surfaces in Hong Kong. The 29-year-old responsible for revealing the National Security Agency’s Internet surveillance program (known as PRISM) has spent the last three weeks in the Chinese metropolis. The U.S. government is expected to vehemently petition for his extradition. (
What to Know About the PRISM Whistleblower. The former CIA analyst has laid claims to wide-ranging powers that included the ability to wiretap nearly anyone of his choosing and shut down U.S. government programs. (Swampland)
In Other Technology-related News… Apple’s WWDC begins today (1 p.m. EDT). Upgrades to the MacBook Pro are among the expected announcements. Beyond that, industry insiders seem certain of little else. (Technologizer)
But Enough About Computers. Let’s talk about ice. Did you know that ice is really cool too? (Yep, that’s a pun—you’re welcome.) It has a history that might surprise you and a future you’ve already seen in The Day After Tomorrow. (mental_floss)
Did You Go to Governor’s Ball Over the Weekend? Photos confirm that it was very, very wet. But Kanye also dropped some new tracks from Yeezus, so it’s a good bet that at least Sunday was worthwhile. (Flavorwire)
Today in Photoshopping. Have you ever gone to see famous statues and said to yourself, “You know what, these are great, but I really wish the figures had clothes on that made them look like J.Crew models?” Then today is your lucky day. (The Daily What)
The Stephen Glass of Baseball. A bit old, but this long read about a faux-MLB prospect named Montaous Walton is worth a look. (SB Nation)
Shia Lebeouf Was Right the Whole Time. Check out this clip of his interview with Jay Leno from five years ago. Then go watch Disturbia—it’s really quite underrated. (YouTube via BuzzFeed)