Twinkies’ Triumphant Return

"The sweetest comeback in the history of ever"

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Rejoice! The cream-filled sponge cakes better known as Twinkies will be back in stores on July 15. To celebrate the snacks’ return, die-hard fans can sign up for the countdown on Twinkies’ website and receive an e-mail alert when the golden day arrives.

Twinkies’ maker Hostess filed for bankruptcy in 2012 after a heated battle with union workers. Metropoulos & Co. and Apollo Global Management bought the brand for $410 million in March. In a happy turn of events, now all of the brand’s favorites — including the cupcakes, Donettes and Ding Dongs — will be making what Hostess dubs “the sweetest comeback in the history of ever.”

(MORE: Top 10 Iconic Junk Foods)

When nostalgic fans first received the sad news last year that their childhood snack would cease to exist, bidding wars broke out on auction sites for the remaining boxes of Twinkies. According to the Associated Press, many stores sold out of their Hostess snacks within hours after the company declared bankruptcy. There are still several, $35 Twinkie coffins for sale on eBay, for the “mourning Twinkie lover “.

(MORE: How Do You Revive Twinkies? A Q&A With the New Owners: The Metropoulos Brothers)

Urban legend has it that Twinkies have an eternal shelf life. That could explain why there are still boxes of actual Twinkies for sale on eBay, even though the snacks have been out of stores for more than a year. How long can you keep a Twinkie in your cabinet before it’s time to toss it out? According to Hostess president Rich Seban, just 45 days: As he told AP, “They don’t last forever.”

MORE: How Much Is Twinkies Worth?