Despite the growing ranks of artisanal, cold-brewed and single-origin coffees now stocked on supermarket shelves, Americans still buy more Folgers than any other brand—even Starbucks, reports Bloomberg Businessweek.
Folgers enjoyed an average 15.6 percent share of the U.S. market, by volume, in the quarter measured from May to July, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Maxwell House came in second at 10 percent. Private labels were in third place, followed by Green Mountain at 4.3 percent. And ubiquitous Starbucks? It held only 3.3 percent of the market share—though keep in mind that these are just in-store, ground coffee sales.
Reps told the magazine that Folger’s success has come in part because the company — which was founded in 1850 — has been targeting a younger demographic. For example, it picked a folky song by Sawyer Frye, an Americana/blues recording outfit from North Carolina, as the winner of its jingle contest in June. (You can watch the video of it on Bloomberg’s website. ) “A simple taste of goodness filling up my mug is the one thing that I need to start my day,” croons the attractive frontman, while frolicking in a field with his bearded band mates. Clearly, this is what young people like these days, given the popularity of the latest Mumford & Sons video.
“This very successful event continues to utilize digital platforms to expand the reach of the Folgers brand among millennial consumers,” explained Chief Operating Officer Vincent Byrd. Translation: They want young people to think they’re cool. And as long as they stay affordable, young people probably will.