Soon You Can Pay Employees at This Wisconsin Business to Snuggle With You

Interesting business model you have there

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A new business is opening in Madison, Wisconsin that will allow customers to cuddle with employees for a small fee. It’s called Snuggle House, and it’s not a brothel, okay?

The soon-to-launch establishment has run into a number of snags in advance of its opening day, which was originally slated for Tuesday. According to ABC affiliate WKOW, the cuddle castle still needs to pass a fire inspection as well as file a business plan with the city.

And oh yeah, there’s also that whole brothel thing.

“The city’s primary concern is, we don’t want a house of prostitution popping up,” assistant city attorney Jennifer Zilavy told the news station.

The enterprise, which is geared towards providing “intimate, non-sexual touch” to those who “just need to be held,” says it’s primarily targeting the elderly and sick, but all five snugglers on its staff–four of whom are women–are in their 20s. The rooms will be equipped with security cameras and panic buttons  to help keep employees safe.

The Snuggle House staff hopes that they should be up and running next week, but if not, you can always just buy a body pillow.
