TIME caught up with web celebrities Lil Bub and her owner Mike Bridavsky IRL backstage at the Walker Art Center’s Internet Cat Video Festival in Brooklyn, New York, over the weekend. With the tiny cat nestled in his lap, Bridavsky, who has tattoos of Lil Bub all over his arms, talked about how he hates the term Internet cats — “it’s just a cat” — as well as Lil Bub’s love for David Lynch movies.
And while Bridavsky claims he’s personally a lil “wiped” between shooting the cat’s web series and jet-setting to events across the country, Lil Bub is apparently her best self on the go, despite a bone condition that has caused physical deformities, like a tongue that sticks out of her mouth because her teeth never grew in: “she gets around a lot more, she plays more, she actually eats a lot more, poops a lot more.” Lil Bub had no comment.
MORE: These New Yorkers Spent Their Friday Night Watching Cat Videos — Together