, which claims to be America’s first online condom store (who knew!), has decided to conduct its own very important, highly scientific study*. According to a press release, the website compiled condom sales data by state to find out which states bought a higher-than-average amount of larger-sized condoms.
The result? A list of all 50 states, “ordered by penis size”–and some surprising news for the Dakotas.
- North Dakota
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- District of Columbia
- Massachusetts
- Ohio
- Arizona
- Alabama
- New York
- South Carolina
- Colorado
- Maryland
- Wisconsin
- New Jersey
- California
- Florida
- Connecticut
- Virginia
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Washington
- Tennessee
- New Mexico
- Iowa
- Illinois
- Louisiana
- Vermont
- Utah
- Maine
- Nebraska
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Delaware
- Michigan
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- Oklahoma
- Montana
- Minnesota
- Kentucky
- Texas
- Indiana
- West Virginia
- Missouri
- Alaska
- North Carolina
- Wyoming
- Arkansas
- Hawaii
- Mississippi
Of course, since the Condomania data is based on what size condoms people are purchasing, the states at the top of the list may just have an impressive lack of self-awareness.
Also, this list is missing Georgia, leading us to conclude that there must be no penises in the state of Georgia. We’ve reached out to Condomania to confirm.
*Not actually scientific or important.