I Binge Alone
On demand viewing is reprogramming the way we watch television. And according to New Republic’s Tim Wu, it could also be reprogramming our social fabric. “If modern American popular culture was built on a central pillar of mainstream entertainment flanked by smaller subcultures, what stands to replace it is a very different infrastructure, one comprising islands of fandom.” Binge viewing was the just the beginning. Netflix has a plan to rewire our entire culture.
+ AllThingsD: Surprise! You’re watching more TV than ever.
+ The fact that we’re starting to split up into smaller silos of content consumption means big, heavily-watched, live television events will be all the more valuable. This year’s Super Bowl ads are going for a cool $4 million per thirty-second spot. Here’s a look who’s buying what.
No Charges
Following an investigation into allegations of rape, Florida state attorney Willie Meggs announced that no charges will be brought against Florida State Seminoles quarterback Jameis Winston. The case has been major topic of discussion in the sports media and beyond. Many analysts have predicted that, given this legal outcome, Winston will take home this year’s Heisman Trophy.
+ From MoJo: “The case of FSU’s Jameis Winston highlights a long and ugly history of universities dropping the ball on rape allegations.”
Back to Benghazi
There haven’t been many Americans living and working in Benghazi following last year’s attack on the U.S. consulate. Ronnie Smith, a chemistry teacher, was one of them. Today, he was killed by gunmen while out for a jog.
Back in Blackberry
It seems like no companies can rise and thrive as quickly as tech companies. But their decline can often be as swift. From BloombergBusinessweek: The Rise and Fall of Blackberry: An Oral History.
Tweeting Not Required
Twitter finally appointed a female board member. But here’s an interesting thing. Marjorie Scardino doesn’t actually tweet much. In fact, her first tweet came after she was appointed to the board. Scardino’s lack of tweeting is something she shares with several other members of Twitter’s board.
Working Up a Thirst
“His workday begins unfailingly at 9 a.m. — with two cans of beer, a down payment on a salary paid mostly in alcohol. He gets two more cans at lunch and then another can or, if all goes smoothly, two to round off a productive day.” In Amsterdam, alcoholics are given a chance to work, in part, for alcohol.
+ What’s a good way to truly understand the state of the economy and joblessness in Spain? Post a help-wanted ad.
The Wrong Truck
In Mexico, thieves stole a truck with radioactive material known as cobalt-60. This set off alarms bells across the world as authorities worried the material could potentially be used to create a dirty bomb. The material has now been found in a field after it had been removed from its casing. According to Mexican authorities, whoever stole the material is likely doomed.
Best Of
It’s never too early to start the year end “best of” lists. My syndication pal Jason Kottke always does an excellent job collecting the year’s best “best of” lists. He’s started this year’s already, with the best photos of 2013.
+ These best of lists are always a big category on the Internet. But this is the year of the list. So we can expect these things to get pretty granular. How granular? It’s still early December and Buzzfeed is already down to stuff like the 30 most ambitious style choices Lena Dunham made in 2013.
Electric Blues
Kaveh Kamooneh got arrested for plugging his electric car into an outlet that wasn’t his and getting away with about a nickel of free energy. This particular case is ridiculous. But plug-in cars are going to make the lives of wall outlets a lot more complicated. (Not to mention the electricity we’ve all stolen to power our phones and tablets.)
The Bottom of the News
The results of the study are in. And the results seem to match nicely with what we all expected. Cats can recognize their owner’s voice. But they choose to ignore it.
+ The origins of the Bigfoot myth are based on a hoax. So who still believes in Bigfoot? A lot of people.
+ Destroy Capitalism — Now available at Walmart.
How Netflix Is Changing Our Culture and Other Fascinating News on the Web
December 5, 2013