Last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live featured Paul Rudd as host and One Direction as musical guest — and oh, oh, oh, what a delightful combination it was. In one of the night’s best sketches, Paul Rudd played a super-dedicated (and just slightly creepy) grown man who camped out among hordes of tween girls following a concert, waiting for the boys to emerge.
He boasted a wealth of 1D trivia — “On the count of three, what was the name of Louis’s first dog? Ted!” — and made sure to diss his fellow fans for their lack of knowledge. “Oh, oh oh, you don’t know your basic facts,” he taunted a young girl in sing-song. And when another tween said she planned to marry Zayn, he quietly shut her down: “I absolutely hate to tell you this, but you’re not. I know what Zayn’s into, and it’s definitely not you.”
Oh, Paul Rudd. We know you’re a great actor and everything, but the passion for One Direction just didn’t feel like acting. It felt real.