Seamless might allow you to order your favorite food without ever speaking to a human being, but what’s even better than that? Getting a pizza and not having to read or click anything at all. Pizza Hut launched an app on Xbox 360 last year to do just that, and it sold over $1 million in pies in its first four months.
The app makes ordering a pizza pretty much like yelling at your parents to make you one when you were 10. Just pause your Halo 3 game and use voice commands or the motion-sensing Kinect to compose and confirm your order. You’ll only have to put your controller down when the delivery guy arrives.
Given that delivery pizza and gamers go together better than meth and Walter White, success was inevitable. “If you look at our audience, they love pizza,” Xbox’s Larry Hryb told Polygon. “When you talk about a sweet spot for the pizza category it’s definitely gamers and gaming,” Pizza Hut representative Doug Terfehr agreed. Duh.
When asked if we would soon be finding pizza-ordering video games on major systems like Playstation and Nintendo (designing a pie is pretty much the only thing the WiiU touchscreen controller would be good for, after all), Terfehr answered that, much like your beloved iPhone, Pizza Hut will always be with you: “Wherever you are, we want to be,” he said.