Behold, the most disturbing-yet-hilarious thing you’ll see all week. In this viral video, which racked up more than 4.8 million views in one day, a freakish animatronic infant — known as the “devil baby” — terrorized unsuspecting New Yorkers. Cruising around town in a remote controlled stroller, the devil baby pops up expectedly to scream, vomit, growl and give the finger, sending even the most stoic bystanders into fits of confusion and terror.
Turns out this is all part of a viral marketing stunt to promote the upcoming horror flick Devil’s Due. So, as with any viral campaign, the reactions we see might be staged, but it’s much more entertaining to believe they’re genuine.
The movie debuts this Friday, Jan. 17, but if it’s even half as terrifying as this video, we’ll probably pass.