It’s So Cold That a Middle Schooler’s Tongue Got Stuck to a Metal Pole

The story is straight out of a movie

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Firefighters in Easthampton, Massachusetts, were called to help extricate a student’s tongue from a metal pole at White Brook Middle School this week, The Republican reports. The student’s age and gender were not released, and Fire Chief David Mottor told the newspaper that firefighters freed the frozen tongue by pouring hot water on it.

The incident is straight out of the movie A Christmas Story (1983), in which a character named Flick is triple-dog-dared to touch his tongue to a metal pole on a cold day. Triple-dog-dares being to children what free fedoras are to creepy pickup artists, Flick cannot resist, even though he knows deep down it’s not going to turn out well. Sure enough, his tongue gets stuck to the pole. You can watch the scene below:
